How Do I Raise a Reader? Tips To Instill the Joy Of Reading In Your Child

Reading helps develop vocabulary, elevates grammar skills, and also helps build an active imagination. These are vital skills to have both for life and academic success, but how do you raise a reader?
Many people think that some kids are just not readers, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. All kids are readers if you know some key tips on how to cultivate the love of reading.
Here are some tips we think can help you instill that joy of reading in your child.
Share Your Love To Read
The best way to raise a reader is to start reading to and with them from day one. Build a routine from the day you bring the child home. Then, as they grow, let them become an independent reader but still read with them.
Take the time to share your favorite books from your youth and show them how much you love to read. Another way to show your love of reading is to make outings to the local library or bookstore. This will help them see your enthusiasm and make getting that new book a special event.
Let Everyday Items Be Another Way To Read
You can also talk about and read things that are not books. Giving them the grocery list when you go to the store is a great idea to let them continue forming an association of reading with critical everyday tasks.
Another way to use everyday activities to help increase your child’s love for reading is having them help you in the kitchen.
Let them read the recipes of the dishes you are cooking. This will help them continue building their love of reading and give them some critical life skills in the kitchen.
Make It About More Than Reading
Reading is essential, but a great way to develop your kid into a reader is to expand the fun of reading into other avenues. This could be writing or simple conversation. Instead of just letting them read the grocery list, let them write it.
Have great conversations about the book. Let them tell their own version of the story. The more they talk about the book, the more they will want to return to it to finish it.
Concluding Thoughts
Reading is a crucial skill that plays a role in everything from everyday chores to career success.
Giving your child the gift of a love of reading helps them build their creativity and their social and educational skills. We hope these tips can help you raise a reader.