Here Are 8 Ways You Can Tell If a Website Is Trustworthy

There are plenty of websites that provide incorrect information and are not reliable. They can pose many problems for inexperienced users who do not possess adequate knowledge of the internet. Therefore, it is essential to know the criteria based on which you can find out whether a site is trustworthy or not.
Look for Reputed Institutions
It is a known fact that there are several sites on the internet that have originated only a few minutes ago. Look for websites that have a good reputation and are associated with institutions known for their integrity. For instance, sites run by nonprofit organizations, government agencies, or universities and colleges.
Find Websites with Suitable Expertise
Search for sites that are associated with your topic or requirement. For instance, if you wish to get your vehicle repaired, you will not contact a hospital, and if you are sick, you are surely not going to consult a mechanic. Therefore, if you wish to write something about the medical field, look for medical sites like The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Stay Away from Commercial Sites
The URLs of websites that are run by business holders and companies have .com at the end. Usually, their goal is to sell something. They try to lure the customers in various ways, so the information they provide is put forth to glorify their product. You need not exclude corporate sites altogether, but be cautious about them.
Watch Out for Bias
Several sites are politically oriented. Reporters write about politics on various websites. Some websites are owned by people who are partial to particular parties or philosophies. For example, you cannot expect a website run by conservatives to give objective information about liberals or vice versa. Look for non-partisan sites and avoid those that are biased.
Note the Date
Being a reporter, you need to have the latest information. If a site has not been updated for a long time and provides out-dated information, it is best not to use it. To find out the date, you can look for the “last updated” feature on the site.
Consider the Layout of the Site
Look closely at the layout of the site. If the design is not refined and lacks a professional touch, maybe it is designed by amateurs. Another sign that the site may not be reliable is sloppy writing on the page. However, you should not get duped just by looking at a stylish layout. Check carefully.
Steer Clear of Anonymous Authors
If the name of the author of an article or study is available, it may be more trustworthy than those that are published anonymously. It is quite logical that if a person is ready to take the credit for a piece of writing, they are willing to uphold the information given. Another thing is that if you know the writer’s name, you can find out more about him through the internet.
Investigate the Links
Often, reputable websites link to one another. You can use a link and search online for other sites that link to the website you are researching. If many reputable sites are linking to it, that is a positive sign. What did I miss?