Do LGBTQ students feel safe on college campuses?

According to, over 70 percent of LGBTQ students “reported experiencing sexual harassment, compared with 61 percent of non-LGBT students.”
To compound the issue, many college campuses are still in the slow process of growing to become more inclusive regarding the needs of students who identify as LGBTQ.
The report featured on also suggests that some college campuses “may not include certain sexual acts in their definitions of rape” because “the perpetrator is of the same gender as the survivor.”
What an awful feeling knowing that the college that one attends is insensitive to the needs of its students, specifically those within the LGBTQ community.
It’s vital that students have a sense of safety while on campus. It’s supposed to be a place of freedom, a space for creativity, and an educational asylum. When those protections are removed or never placed at all, students are left vulnerable.
LGBTQ students looking for colleges to attend that make safety paramount should look to‘s new guide, “LGBTQ Resource for College Students.”
The guide features an array of resources for students to utilize, but also offers a way for students to find supportive campuses that are “more welcoming and supportive.”
There are two diversity experts featured in the guide and both are interviewed on the subject of student safety, recommendations for LGBTQ students, and much more.
In essence, it is a total resource of comfort for LGBTQ students to utilize when looking for the school that closely fits their wants and needs.
For more information on the LGBTQ Resource for College Students,” please visit