Best 2nd Grade Poems
Looking for 2nd grade poems for your students. Check out or list.
Second Grade Superstars by Anonymous
The Porcupine by Ogden Nash
At the Zoo by William Makepeace Thackeray
Mary’s Lamb by Sarah Josepha Hale
I Taught My Cat to Clean My Room by Kenn Nesbitt
A Silly Crow by Andrea Crawford
Snakes by Mariah Deitrick
An ancient pond! By Matsuo Basho
The Crocodile by Lewis Carroll
My Dog Does My Homework by Kenn Nesbitt
My Big Fat Cat by Christian M. Mitewu
The Parakeets by Alberto Blanco
The Pasture by Robert Frost
The Goops by Gelett Burges …”
If I Were In Charge Of The World by Judith Viorst
My Best Friend by Abby Jenkins
Eletelephony by Laura Elizabeth Richards
The Forest by Annette Wynne
The Butterfly Ballad by Guy Belleranti