70 Pregnancy Announcement Messages and Wording

Pregnancy Announcement Messages: Of all the experiences women can have, pregnancy is one of the most beautiful. A new baby is a unique and wonderful addition to any family. When the time comes, share the good news with everyone because it means so much to your friends, family, and loved ones. We can assist you if you don’t know how to announce the good news. Our amusing and adorable pregnancy reveal messages will astound those around you. We have several messages that will assist you in this situation. Inform everyone about the good news.
Pregnancy Announcement Messages
We are about to receive the cutest present of our lives. Please keep us in your prayers.
God has lavished me with numerous wonderful blessings, but the best is yet to come. Please remember us in your prayers.
I declare, through tears of joy, that my journey to motherhood has begun.
I’ve never felt happier in my life. Congratulate me because I’m about to become a mother.
With tears of joy, we are delighted to announce that we are expecting a child. We are overjoyed.
We will soon be blessed with an angel. Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts.
We are brimming with joy to welcome a new member to our family. My spouse and I are thrilled to inform you that we are expecting our first child! Please pray for both of us!
The time to add another branch to our family tree has come. It’s time to celebrate the miracle of motherhood as a whole. I’m expecting a new addition to our family.
Prepare to meet a new member of our family. The baby will arrive soon.
For me, the wonderful nine months of motherhood have finally begun. I had no idea getting a big tummy could be so much fun. We’re hoping for the best!
I’ve never felt so excited in my life. I’m about to give my sweet husband the best gift he’s ever received. The countdown has begun.
I can’t seem to find the right words to express how happy I am right now. I returned from the hospital, so it’s official. I’m about to have a baby!
My life was happy but unfinished. Today, I thank God for the most precious gift he has given to me. I’ve conceived a child, and it will be born in nine months!
We are a few months away from receiving the greatest gift of our lives. Come share in our joy as we plan the best baby shower ever.
The most beautiful adventure is about to begin. I’m so grateful to God for this incredible opportunity.
Our family is expanding! A divine blessing is growing in my stomach. Finally, our wish was granted.
We’ll need an extra bed for someone special. I wish you could see how delighted I am right now to be able to inform you of the good news. I’m expecting!
My clothes are already getting too small. Please congratulate me on the most significant achievement of my life. I’m about to become a mother!
Pregnancy Announcement Captions for Facebook and Instagram
We wished for a child, and it became a reality. We are expecting a child soon.
We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our child to complete our family.
God’s most adorable blessing is about to arrive. We are very excited about the delivery date.
Knowing you’re about to become a parent is the most beautiful experience in the world! I can’t wait to meet my baby!
We’ve both been looking forward to this day for a long time. We are delighted to inform you that we are expecting a child. Please pray for us.
I wouldn’t trade the excitement of learning I was pregnant for anything. I had no idea what an incredible sensation I was experiencing until now.
A tiny human is on its way to join us. Everyone, I am ecstatic to inform you that I am pregnant.
It’s official: I’m expecting a child. I’m expecting a child. I’m about to turn three from two.
We are excited to meet our new baby and embark on a new adventure in life with them.
Great news! We’re expecting a child soon!
A new member will join our family in nine months. I’m ecstatic!!
For me, the amazing journey of motherhood has begun. We’re thrilled to be a trio.
Pregnancy Announcement Text to Family
We’re expecting a child! Our family is about to receive a little miracle!
Your prayers have been answered, family. I’m expecting a child. I’m expecting a child.
A new member will join our family soon! Congratulations to all of us. Please pray for a healthy baby for me.
Family, I’m expecting a child. Only happiness will be showered upon you from now on. I’m sure my baby will bring great joy to this house.
I have good news: your child is expecting a child. I’m expecting a child.
Pregnancy Announcement Message to Husband
I just wanted to let you know that I’m pregnant. You’re going to have a child.
I believe you will be a wonderful father. Congratulations! You’re expecting a child.
My darling, having a baby with you feels like a dream come true. I’m overjoyed.
I cannot wait to see the little angel created by our love. Congratulations, love.
Remember when we talked about being cool as parents? Well, the time has come.
Congratulations, my love. We’re expecting a child, and you’ll make an excellent father. Our baby is extremely fortunate to have you.
I know how excited you are now, knowing that you will soon be a father.
Purchase more food for me because I’m now eating for two. A new family member will join our family soon.
Thank you for the most incredible gift anyone could ever receive. Are you interested in babysitting in a few months? Congratulations to you, Mr. Dad.
Prepare to take on the most important role of your life. Yes. You are correct. You’ll be a father soon. Get used to your new title.
I was filled with joy when I discovered I was pregnant because it meant we’d soon have a complete family. Congratulations, future father.
Pregnancy Announcement Text Messages to Friends
Congratulations, you will soon have a niece or nephew! I’m expecting a child!
I’m expecting a child. It happened! I’m both nervous and happy; I can’t explain it, but it happened, and I’m on cloud nine right now.
The most enjoyable part of having a baby is entrusting your child to the care of your friends. Prepare yourself! I promise it will be lovely.
Guess what? I’m going to be a mother/father. You will become a godmother/godfather. Congratulations!
You are about to be demoted from the position of my best friend; my new best friend is on the way. I am expecting a child.
Social Media Pregnancy Announcement Wordings
Prepare for some big news. We’re expecting our first child this month.
We can’t wait to meet our first child. Please pray for the baby and us that everything goes well.
The most wonderful thing is that you’re going to be a parent. Thank you, and please pray for us.
The only thing I love about getting pregnant is that I can eat as much as I want!
Giving birth to a child may be the most challenging time in a woman’s life. Thank goodness I’m already prepared for the task. I’m delighted to tell you all about my pregnancy!
A baby is on its way to brighten our sweet little home. Please keep us in your prayers. I’m looking forward to surprising you!
No feelings can compare to the joy of bringing a life into this world. The nine-month journey is becoming more and more amazing by the day!
It will take a few months before I receive my special gift from God. Every time I think about it, I feel blessed. Please remember to put me in your prayers.
Being pregnant is the only time when your husband appreciates your size. I’m really enjoying these priceless moments!
Funny Pregnancy Announcement Messages
The most amusing aspect of pregnancy is that you get a personal servant 24/7 for the next nine months. That is your husband. Yes, that’s what happens when you make a woman fat!
If I wasn’t pregnant, I’d never guess that healthy foods could be so bland and tasteless. I really want to go back to eating fast food!
I long for my old fast food habits. It’s tedious to eat healthy foods all the time while pregnant.
My husband does all the housework and allows me to sleep all day. This journey has completely captivated me.
I’m all set to bid farewell to my freedom and sleep. And guess what? Everyone is thrilled about it. They call it a “sweet pregnancy.”
As I go through this incredible pregnancy journey, my mood swings are at their peak. So don’t blame me if I’m odd and mean to you. It’s all for the sake of the lovely pregnancy!
The benefit of being pregnant is that you can eat as much as you want, even as your tummy grows larger. I’m having a great time on this adventure!
Being a proud parent was all I had ever wanted in my life. Today marks the first anniversary of my motherhood, and I am overjoyed. For the first time, I’ve conceived a child!
I’m not worried about the delivery. I’m terrified of raising a child. Pray for me so I can raise a happy, healthy, and modest child!
The best part of being pregnant is having your husband clean the dishes. So be it if making a woman pregnant is what they are so proud of!
In a woman’s life, pregnancy is the most wonderful time. The joy of carrying a new person inside yourself can sometimes be difficult to put into words. The news of your pregnancy means a lot to your loved ones, especially your husband, family members, and close friends. It is your duty to tell them the good news with some creative, funny, or wonderful pregnancy announcement messages. “I’m pregnant” texts are ideal for sharing this wonderful news with your loved ones and on social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, and others. These creative, funny, and sweet pregnancy announcement messages for you will help to spread the wonderful news of your pregnancy!