7 Steps to Becoming a Teacher in New York

Want to become a teacher in the empire state? Look no further. Below you will find the seven steps that you must take to become a teacher in the state of New York.
Step One: Provide proof you hold a bachelor’s degree. To become a teacher in New York, you have to complete a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university. Your degree does not have to be in education, it can be in any subject, even Art.
Step Two: Complete an approved teacher-preparation program. Next, potential teachers must complete a teacher preparation program approved by the state of New York. If you completed a teacher preparation program outside of the state of New York, you could still be eligible for a New York teaching certificate, as long as the program is comparable to New York’s approved program.
Step Three: Receive a passing grade on required exams. To become a certified teacher in the state of New York, you must receive a passing grade on two New York State Teacher Certification Exams: Educating All Students (EAS) and edTPA. Potential teachers also must get a passing grade on content specialty test(s) in their certification area.
Step Four: Pass background clearance by New York. Potential teachers who want to teach in New York schools must pass a criminal background check to ensure they are not a threat to student safety.
Step Five: Take the required workshops. All potential New York teachers must take the Dignity for All Students Act Workshop.
Step Six: Submit an application for teaching certification. You need to submit a formal application to receive your teaching certification in New York state. This process can be completed through the TEACH System website. After you complete and submit your application online, you are required to send in your supporting documentation, including official transcripts, test scores, copies of teaching certificates, documentation of experience, and documentation of teaching experience. These supplemental materials must include your current name, date of birth, and last four digits of your social security number.
Step Seven: Payment of all fees. You have to pay all of your certification fees. This includes $99 for your background check and a licensing fee when you submit your application. The cost of the fee is $50 for applicants who qualify for certification by completing a New York State approved program or $100 for applicants who qualify using any other pathway.