3 Unconventional, Yet Perfectly Valid Reasons to Become a Teacher

As a new teacher, you were probably motivated to enter the profession because you are so passionate about a certain subject that you wanted to impart that knowledge on the next generation. Or perhaps, you just like children. Maybe you were influenced by one of your former teachers.
Those are all noble reasons to become a teacher, however, there are other reasons people choose to enter the teaching profession. If you chose to become a teacher for one of the following reasons, no need to feel alone—there are plenty of others who have the same motives. Yes, teaching is still for you.
Here are three slightly unconventional, yet perfectly valid reasons to become a teacher:
- Job security. It’s true—job security is an important reason for some who choose to become teachers. Private sector employees such as managers, accountants, information technology professionals, and executives experience unemployment during economic slowdowns. No matter how talented, diligent, or creative an employee is, businesses often have to downsize to maintain their profits. In fact, many workers from other fields have turned to teaching as an alternative to less-stable work environments.
Unfortunately, over the past few years, many urban school districts in the United States have closed schools in an effort to cut capital expenses. As a result, many teachers within these districts have been laid off; instantly seeing the job security that they once enjoyed taken away. If this trend continues, job security may no longer be a good reason to become a teacher.
- Autonomy. To a great extent, teachers are in charge of how students spend their time during the school day. Teachers can also be creative in designing lessons and choosing their teaching styles, as long as they remain professional and adhere to guidelines.
- Family-friendly schedules. For those of you who will be parents as well as teachers, you will enjoy a rather unique family/ work schedule. Typically, you will get the same days off as your children, giving you more time to spend with them, compared to parents in other professions. Normally, students and teachers get 2 to 3 months off during the summer, with breaks during winter and spring. During the summer break, in particular, teachers have time for professional development and time to prepare for the return to the classroom. Some teachers may decide to travel or work a part-time job. The flexibility to use time during the summer in a number of different ways is an attractive plus for many who choose to teach.
Have any of you wanted to become a teacher for any of the above reasons? What else has motivated you to become a teacher?