22 Strategies to Help Students Who Leave Out or Change Words While Writing

Are you looking for strategies to help students who leave out or change words while writing? If so, keep reading.
1. Assess the level of task difficulty to ascertain whether the learner will require additional information, time, assistance, etc., before assigning a task.
2. Support the learner in writing information. As the learner shows success, slowly decrease the assistance, and require the learner to assume more responsibility.
3. Inspect the learner’s performance for accuracy when writing. Working quickly is acceptable if the learner performs the task accurately.
4. Inspect the learner’s work at several points throughout a writing task to detect any omissions, additions, or substitutions.
5. Take into account the learner’s capacity and ability level and experience before expecting the learner to finish tasks independently.
6. Dictate sentences to the learner so they can practice writing simple sentences accurately.
7. Urge the learner to create stories about topics that interest them to give more experiences in writing.
8. Get the learner to practice writing simple sentences successfully without omissions, additions, and substitutions.
9. Provide the learner a group of related words (e.g., baseball, fans, glove, strikeout, etc.) and have them make up a paragraph that includes each word.
10. Create an environmental setting for the classroom that promotes optimal individual performance (e.g., quiet room, background music, fresh air, etc.).
11. Provide the learner a list of transition words (e.g., therefore, although, because, etc.) and have them make sentences using each word.
12. Make the learner proofread all written work. Praise the learner for each correction made.
13. Assess the visual and auditory stimuli in their surroundings and remove or lessen unnecessary environmental stimuli.
14. Show the learner what they are doing wrong (hurrying just to get things done) and, what they must be doing (working slowly and carefully). For example: The learner is hurrying through writing tasks. Tell them that they are hurrying and need to slow down and write carefully so the tasks will be correct.
15. Make sure the learner is not interrupted or hurried when engaged in writing learning activities .
16. Get the learner to assist in grading or proofreading other students’ written work to become more aware of omissions, additions, and substitutions.
17. Provide dictation sentences to the learner to urge the successful writing of simple sentences.
18. Urge the learner to read all written work aloud to detect omissions, additions, or substitutions.
19. Provide the learner scrambled words from a sentence and have them put them in the correct order to form the sentence.
20. Get the learner to ask for help when they need it.
21. Consider using one of the apps on one of our best writing apps lists:
The Tech Edvocate’s List of 31 Grammar & Writing Apps, Tools & Resources
Ten Apps to Help Students Develop Writing Skills
10 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for Elementary School Students
11 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for High School Students
10 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for Middle School Students