21 Strategies for Motivating Students to Remain On Task

Are you looking for strategies for motivating students to remain on task? If so, keep reading.
1. Establish time at the end of each class period to finish unfinished tasks.
2. Establish clear expectations for the conclusion of tasks. Continuously deliver reinforcement and consequences to all students.
3. Give the learner a selection of tasks and require them to select a minimum number from the total (e.g., present the learner with 10 academic tasks from which they must finish 6 that day).
4. Connect clearly with the learner over the duration of time they have to finish a task. The learner may want to use a timer to finish the tasks within the given period.
5. Urge the learner to manage their class performance as if they were self-employed. This should increase their motivation to be organized and fulfill their duties.
6. Reinforce all measures of improvement.
7. Find the learner’s most efficient learning mode. Utilize it continuously to enable the learner’s comprehension and remaining on-task for longer periods.
8. Give the learner shorter tasks but more of them (e.g., modify a 20-problem math learning experience to 4 learning activities of 5 problems each, to be performed at several times during the day). As the learner shows success, slowly increase the number of problems for each learning experience.
9. Make sure the learner has all the appropriate learning materials to perform tasks.
10. Get the learner to gather all learning materials needed prior to beginning a task to lessen interruptions.
11. Make the learner become productive in the presence of auditory and visual stimuli for short periods. As the learner shows success, slowly increase the duration of time the learner is required to be productive.
12. Make sure the learner knows the instructions for the task (e.g., present instructions in an assortment of ways; have the learner verbalize what they are to do to perform the learning experience; etc.).
13. Give the learner a list of tasks for the day and let the learner select the order of the learning activities. The learner may be in the best position to find the order of tasks they will be able to perform successfully.
14. Give a routine (schedule) that will minimize off-task behavior that may result in negative consequences.
15. Organize their surroundings to lessen the chance for off-task behavior. Minimize lag time by providing the learner with enough learning activities to maintain productivity.
16. Observe the learner’s performance in learning activities or tasks to make sure the learner begins, works on, and finishes a task to be ready to move to the next learning experience in their routine (schedule).
17. Give the learner a carrel or divider at their desk to lessen auditory and visual distractions.
18. Get the learner to time learning activities to monitor personal behavior and accept time limits.
19. Talk regularly with the learner to keep continued involvement in the learning experience (e.g., ask the learner questions, ask the learner’s opinion, stand near the learner, seat the learner near the teacher’s desk, etc.).
20. Get the learner to chart their own record of on-task behavior. Praise the learner for increasing the amount of time spent on-task.
21. Consider using assistive technology designed to help students to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to concentrate. Click here to view list of assistive technology apps that we recommend.