Would You Like to Write For The Edvocate?

Opinion Pieces & Articles
For individuals interested in submitting original op-eds and articles on topics that affect the P-20 community, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Submissions should be between 600-1000 words in length.
- We suggest that you avoid using bullets and subheadings, and if you must use them, keep them to a minimum.
- Provide sources for your article and hyperlink them into the piece itself.
We reserve the right to edit each piece for grammar, usage, length and style. Also, each piece will be fact checked for accurateness. As the author, you retain ownership, however, we reserve the right to use your article on our site and in our newsletters in perpetuity.
Some topics we are especially interested in seeing guest posts about include:
- Teacher diversity
- The achievement gap
- Common Core
- Technology use in classrooms
- Policy changes at the state/federal level for P-20 education
Please email submissions as word attachments to [email protected]. Make sure that you include your full contact information, along with a two to four sentence biography.
Press Releases
If you have a press release that you would like The Edvocate to consider, please email it to [email protected].