What Is Genius Hour And How Can I Try It in My Classroom?
Genius Hour is an innovative approach to learning that allows students to explore their own passions and interests in the classroom. It originated from 3M’s philosophy of allowing employees to spend 15% of their work time on projects of their choice. The concept was later adapted by educators to empower students with more autonomy and curiosity-driven learning experiences.
During Genius Hour, students are given a designated period, typically one hour per week, to work on a project that they are passionate about. This project can be on any topic of their choice, and students have the freedom to decide what they want to learn, create, or investigate. The purpose of Genius Hour is to foster creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-directed learning skills.
Implementing Genius Hour in the classroom can be a transformative experience for both students and teachers. It allows students to take ownership of their learning, promoting a sense of agency and intrinsic motivation. It also encourages collaboration, as students have the opportunity to share their projects and ideas with their peers.
To try Genius Hour in your classroom, follow these steps:
1. Introduce the concept: Start by explaining the concept of Genius Hour to your students. Discuss the origin and purpose of Genius Hour, emphasizing the idea that they have the freedom to choose what they want to learn.
2. Brainstorm project ideas: Encourage students to think about topics they are passionate about or curious to explore. Provide them with guidance and support to generate project ideas that align with their interests.
3. Set goals and criteria: Help students define their goals for their Genius Hour project. What do they want to achieve or create? Establish criteria for success and guide students to set realistic and achievable objectives.
4. Plan and research: Assist students in planning their projects by creating timelines and outlining the necessary steps. Encourage them to conduct research and gather resources to support their learning or creation process.
5. Provide resources and support: Make sure students have access to the necessary materials, tools, and resources to work on their projects. Offer guidance and support as needed, but encourage independence and self-direction.
6. Reflection and feedback: Dedicate time for students to reflect on their progress and give and receive feedback. Encourage peer feedback sessions, where students can share their projects and receive constructive criticism.
7. Showcase and celebrate: Provide opportunities for students to showcase their Genius Hour projects to the school community or parents. This can be in the form of presentations, exhibitions, or digital portfolios. Celebrate their accomplishments and recognize their hard work.
Remember, Genius Hour is about giving students the freedom to explore their passions, think creatively, and take ownership of their learning. It should be a time for students to engage in authentic, self-directed projects that inspire curiosity and foster a love for lifelong learning.