Tag: teach
7 Ways to Develop Grit in Your Kids
“Grit” has recently become a popular buzzword in parenting and education. It’s defined by University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth as “perseverance and passion for long-term ... -
Activities to Boost Gross Motor Development: An Age-by-Age Approach: Birth to Age 5
“Gross motor skills” are needed to control the movement and coordination of the larger muscles found in the arms, legs, and torso. The following activities can ... -
Activities to Boost Social-Emotional Development: An Age-by-Age Approach (Birth to 5)
Social-emotional development in children is crucial. It includes the child’s ability to understand the feelings of others, manage his emotions, and build relationships with both children ... -
How to Be Successful Co-Parents
Co-parenting refers to two parents who are no longer together raising their child or children jointly. It requires patience, open communication, and empathy. For former couples ... -
The Benefits of Reading to Your Newborn
It’s become a well-known fact that reading to our kids is extremely beneficial. But if you’re wondering when to start reading to your newborn baby, the ... -
Activities to Boost Language Development: An Age-by-Age Approach (Birth to 5)
The following activities are simple, effective ways to boost your child’s language development from birth to age 5. Birth to 2 Years Beginning from birth, talk ... -
Why You Shouldn’t Obsess Over Developmental Milestones
It’s natural for parents to obsess over their child’s development, celebrating when the child reaches milestones “ahead of schedule” and worrying over any perceived delay. Parents ... -
Affording child care in America: Four essential reads
Emily Costello, The Conversation Editor’s note: The following is a roundup of archival stories on child care. This week on the presidential campaign trail, Donald Trump ... -
To fix America’s child care, let’s look at the past
Corey Shdaimah, University of Maryland and Elizabeth Palley, Adelphi University In what might be the most contentious election campaign season yet, the main presidential candidates seem ... -
Want an Olympic legacy? Get primary school children trying out a range of different sports
James Rudd, Liverpool John Moores University and Colum Cronin, Liverpool John Moores University With sports lovers still basking in the gleam of Great Britain’s Olympic medal ...