Tag: edtechchat
What District Leaders Want from Companies at Conferences
If you are surrounded by your company banner, brochures, products and boxes full of swag, you are probably packing up for an education conference. Armed with ... -
How to Pilot Your Edtech Product
Putting together a pilot program for your edtech product may seem like a daunting task, but it can be both manageable and enjoyable if the pilot ... -
What Happens When School Buses Get Wi-Fi?
Ask what students do on their bus ride to school every morning and you’ll get a variety of answers: texting friends, chatting with neighbors, listening to ... -
For Edtech to Actually Work, it has to Embrace Neuroscience
In the growing world of educational technology, the question is often explored whether these applications work for students. The answer is, they can when they take ... -
Why Edtech Companies Must Develop Products with Neuroscience in Mind
Technology has changed not only the way children learn, but it has also increased their capacity for learning, especially when it comes to visual learning. Digital ... -
6 EdTech Companies That Are Disrupting Higher Education
There was a time when community colleges, online universities and learning annexes were the only options for individuals looking to broaden their skill set without committing ... -
Why Neuroscience Should Drive Personalized Learning
While personalized learning is a growing market, we have long looked to how the mind works to inform education. The biggest problem with this practice has ... -
What Does a “Future Ready” Educator Look Like?
As new technology emerges and most work is done online, it is more important than ever to teach students how to adapt in the ever-changing digital ... -
How STEM Education Can Help End Poverty
STEM education is increasing in popularity—more schools are incorporating STEM into their curriculum and making it a key part of what they teach. STEM can help ... -
Why Edtech Companies Should Hire Educators
With the rise of new edtech companies, the competition to succeed in the industry grows each year. In 2016, the industry raised over 1 billion dollars. ...