The most recent list of books on sensations is entirely devoted to the feelings that cause our brains to fill with steam. These picture books deal with feelings of rage, irritation, general grouchiness, and grumpy, unaccommodating attitudes. Even if it’s only to recognize their bad emotions for what they are (which, in my experience, is extremely beneficial! ), books are a fantastic way to encourage children to consider other approaches to dealing with their negative emotions.
These children’s books on fury and rage will help to normalize these feelings and make them less frightening. I hope you can find a way to include them in your regular reading time since many of them will even make your kids giggle. Check out the links at the bottom of this page for our other collections of picture books about emotions. (Note: book covers and titles are affiliate links.)
Tiger and Badger It is bonus book number 14. I just completed reading this brand-new book by Emily Jenkins, one of my must-read writers, and I had to include it at the last minute. Even though Tiger and Badger are great friends, they nevertheless argue, often over little issues. (But keep in mind that a toddler sees nothing as unimportant!) But after every disagreement, they can make up, whether by collaborating to find a solution or by pulling a funny face. I highly recommend picking up a copy of this book since it is among the greatest ones I have read regarding friendship.
Grumpy Bird, because it is so, so amusing (and truthful! ), is one of my favorite novels on the list. Grumpy Bird gets grumpy when he awakens! Three times as cranky. He is too grumpy about doing anything, not even fly, so he strolls about. The gloomy stroll evolves into a follow leader game as he snaps at each of his buddies as he passes them, but they all join him nonetheless, and Grumpy Bird can’t help but let friendship and fun flip his scowl upside down.
Grandfather Gandhi is a fantastic option for older children and a stunning book. Gandhi’s grandson Arun, who was 12 years old at the time, tells the tale. It was a big honor for Arun to move in with his grandpa. Arun is surprised when his grandpa becomes irate one day. Gandhi teaches his grandson that anger is a typical human emotion that must be controlled and transformed to be put to good use. Your children should read this fantastic book because it will inspire them to consider how emotions affect their decisions.
Mad at Mommy. The adorable bunny owned by Komako Sakai is upset with her mother for acting unfairly. Mommy stays up late, watches TV, gets angry without cause, and — the horror! — announces she can’t wed the tiny bunny. After threatening to go for five minutes, the little rabbit returns to make sure her mother didn’t miss her. This novel is endearing and accurate about the sentiments of the young bunny. Additionally, Sakai’s pictures are delightful and adorable.
Mouse Was Mad. When he gets angry, Mouse is unsure of what to do. Nothing appears to be working as he attempts to jump like a rabbit, yell like a bobcat, and stomp like a bear. When Mouse finally understands how to deal with his strong emotions, it feels ideal. Every parent will want their children to act like Mickey.
Sometimes I’m Bombaloo. Katie thinks she’s a very decent child. She usually follows instructions, but when her brother destroys too many of her castles, she struggles to speak clearly. I appreciate how Katie uses the term “bomb also” to express how she feels out of control when she becomes upset. She can acquire some perspective and continue after she has some alone time to think. I also appreciate that patience, rather than punishment, is the key to the “bombaloo” approach.
When Sophie Gets Angry, Really, Really Angry, any list of books on fury will include this classic work about emotions. You have probably previously heard of it, and if not, read it to your children. A perceived injustice makes Sophie irate, and she loses her cool. She decides to flee and climb a tree to stare out over the vast landscape till she feels peaceful. The lesson that calm surroundings are beneficial in turbulent times is good.
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Parents seem to either like or detest this book. My favorite. Alexander’s situation is incredibly relatable, particularly for those of us who have brothers. Alexander is irritable since nothing goes well for him all day. He eventually understands that difficult days will always occur, even in Australia.
Finn Throws a Fit. An awful day is happening to Finn. He doesn’t like anything that he usually enjoys! And he has an enormous tantrum. This book is only great because of the pictures. Tears from Finn cause a deluge! His kicks cause earthquakes! When the fit finally ends, Finn is prepared to eat his peaches. I also like how the tantrum is bookended with tenderness and love. It demonstrates that fits are typical behavioral patterns. Although we are never really clear when Finn’s fit begins or ends, isn’t it just a fact of life?
Nina in That Makes Me Mad is a Toon Book series graphic book that is excellent for young readers. Nina is often enraged, and she expresses her rage to everyone. I like how this book avoided moralizing. My younger son particularly liked this book because Nina was free to express her emotions, and my younger son thought the same thing. There is a little story that provides a personal illustration of how Nina feels about each incident, such as “when you don’t let me help” or “when I try, and it doesn’t work,” which makes Nina angry. Nina says that she feels better when she can tell her parents when she is angry, which is a delightfully simple response to complicated sentiments.
The Most Magnificent Thing Although you would not consider this book when compiling a list of novels on rage, it is nevertheless a fantastic read. Anyone who wants to make her mark in the field of science and technology must have a can-do mentality like the protagonist. An “ordinary lady” thinks she’s going to create something very AMAZING with the assistance of her helper dog. She often makes mistakes, and it’s so upsetting for her that nothing appears to be working out how she wants it to! But after going for a stroll, she returns and reconsiders her creations, which is when she comes up with the solution. The graphics by Spires are delightful, and the book is not preachy.
Grumpy Goat. At Sunny Acres Farm, Grumpy Goat resides, but he is anything but cheerful. He is irritable, lonely, and only concerned about food. However, one day he notices a solitary flower, which prompts him to pause and focus on something other than himself. Grumpy is heartbroken as the dandelion scatters its seeds into the breeze until he realizes what those seeds would bring. This is a wonderful book for teaching youngsters about different viewpoints and how sometimes the results of our actions take a little longer to become apparent.
Llama Llama Mad At Mama. Every parent has probably heard of the temper tantrum at the grocery store. Here it is, then, and it’s everything presented in picture book format. This patient’s mother explains to her young child that although she would also like to be doing something else, everything will be OK since exciting things are waiting for them.