Lawnmower Parents Are the New Helicopter Parents & We Are Not Here for It
In recent years, a new parenting trend has emerged – lawnmower parenting. Similar to helicopter parenting, lawnmower parents are overly involved in their children’s lives and go to great lengths to remove any obstacles or difficulties that their children may face. However, while helicopter parents hover over their children to protect them from harm, lawnmower parents actively clear the path for their children, ensuring that they never have to face any challenges or experience failure.
The concept of lawnmower parenting originated from the idea of mowing the lawn, where obstacles such as grass or weeds are removed to create a smooth and obstacle-free surface. Similarly, lawnmower parents attempt to remove any obstacles that their children may encounter, protecting them from any kind of discomfort, failure, or disappointment. They take on tasks that their children should be responsible for, such as completing their homework or resolving conflicts with their peers, in an effort to shield them from any potential setbacks.
While the intentions of lawnmower parents may be driven by love and a desire to see their children succeed, the long-term effects of this parenting style can be detrimental. By constantly intervening and removing obstacles, lawnmower parents prevent their children from developing crucial skills such as problem-solving, resilience, and independence. Children who are constantly shielded from failure may struggle to cope with setbacks in the future and may have difficulty taking responsibility for their actions.
Moreover, lawnmower parenting sends a message to children that they are not capable of facing challenges on their own. It can lead to a sense of entitlement and a lack of accountability, as children grow up expecting others to always clear the path for them. This can have negative consequences in their personal and professional lives, as they may struggle to navigate difficult situations or take responsibility for their own actions.
It is important for parents to strike a balance between protecting their children and allowing them to learn from their own experiences. While it is natural to want to shield children from harm, it is equally important to allow them to face adversity and develop the necessary skills to navigate challenges independently. Encouraging autonomy, problem-solving skills, and resilience can help children grow into capable, self-sufficient individuals.
In conclusion, the rise of lawnmower parenting has highlighted the importance of allowing children to face challenges and learn from failure. While it may be tempting for parents to remove all obstacles from their children’s lives, doing so can hinder their long-term growth and development. Encouraging independence, resilience, and problem-solving skills will empower children to overcome obstacles and thrive in an increasingly complex world.