How to Renew or Reinstate a Teachers License in California

Renewal of Teaching Certification
Preliminary teaching credentials can not be renewed after their 5-year expiration. You have to meet the conditions for a Clear Credential during the 5-year life of your Preliminary Credential.
One of the following options have to be finished:
- Finalize a Commission-sanctioned General Education Induction Program. California education institutions offer these.
- Become licensed by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). This involves meeting education, experience, and assessment conditions.
To apply for your Credential, submit a Renewal Application along with fees and documents to CCTC; Certification, Assignment and Waivers Division; Attention: Applications; 1900 Capitol Avenue; Sacramento, CA 95811-4213.
After you obtain your California Clear Credential, it is good for 5 years. The Commission used to require 150 hours of professional growth to renew a clear credential; clear credentials can now be renewed without confirming any professional or continuing education conditions.
Teaching Certification Reinstatement
Suppose your California teaching credential is revoked for failing to fulfill your contract duties or for misconduct. In that case, you have to wait one year from the effective date of your credential to apply for reinstatement. You have to submit a letter requesting reinstatement along with an application and fees. Finalize the Petition for Reinstatement Packet and mail it, along with d and fees, to Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Division of Professional Practices, 1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811-4213. If you have any questions, call the Division at (916) 324-5953.