9 of the Best Math Apps and Games for High School Students
Math has always been known as one of the less-glamorous subjects. Sure, some people love the rhythm and reason of mathematical concepts, but average Kindergartners won’t tell you that they want to be an engineer, or a mathematician, or even a computer scientist when they grow up. But if every Kindergartner grew up to be a fireman, or movie star, or race car driver, or pilot, our society would certainly suffer.
So, how can teachers make learning math more interactive and more fun, especially for high school students? True, teachers can make up games to teach a math concept that involves every student. But, when teachers need to help students in small groups or one-on-one, how can they make sure that other students are actively practicing math skills?
One of the great aspects of having iPads in the classroom is the availability educational apps. With these apps, students can individually learn, practice, and have fun with different subjects and concepts. Luckily, there are many good, quality math apps out there. To help high school educators find innovative ways to teach math, we decided to create a list 9 of the best math apps and games for high school students.
Great STEM resource with content that is accessible and student friendly.
This amazing math tool helps students learn complicated concepts.
Promotes deep math learning and employs a social approach to critical thinking and problem-solving.
Sophisticated graphing calculator with math scenarios and simulations that encourage students to collaborate.
Helps students to master advanced math concepts while having fun.
Video tutorials that can help you flip your math classroom.
Students are taught the skills that they need to master complicated adaptive math and physics problems.
Students tackle tough math models and simulations.
Exciting interactive tools teach higher-level math concepts.
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