Breaking the School-to-Prison Cycle
Though all people are genetically predisposed, it is ultimately the environment that encompasses the formative years that shapes lives. Some of that comes from ... -
3 Reasons Today’s Students Might Be Worse Off than Their Parents
The great dream of all parents is that their children will grow up to have even better life circumstances than they do. Parents want ... -
Rethinking the Emphasis on Standardized Testing
Note: Today’s guest blog is from Robert Sun, chairman, president and CEO of Suntex International Inc. and inventor of First In Math, an online ... -
Why is English so hard to learn?
Sean Sutherland, University of Westminster The prime minister, David Cameron, wants more Muslim women in the UK to be taught English to reduce segregation ... -
The Implications of Universal Preschool
President Obama has been vocal about his belief that a publicly-funded universal preschool initiative is necessary to give American children an academic advantage before ... -
Diversity: Why Classrooms Need It
School climate and school culture directly impact student success. As a result, it is particularly important for the school culture (and the classroom culture) ... -
How Teachers Can Foster Culturally Responsive Classrooms
Once an educator has thoroughly examined her own cultural beliefs, values, and biases, she is ready to begin learning about other cultures. Researchers have ... -
Why K-12 Education Still Needs Federal Oversight
Educating American children has always been a responsibility that has fallen heavily on the states. As the public school system matured in the 20th ... -
Accountability: Just One Piece of the School Reform Puzzle
School reform can no longer rely mostly on inputs—that is, giving schools more resources and more support. In order for schools to really help ... -
The Slow Gamification of K-12 Classrooms
Children are becoming acutely acquainted with mobile technology long before their K-12 classroom years. When they arrive at their first organized school experiences, they ...