Is a critical and higher order thinking model that is made up of the following 6 competencies: master core academic content, think critically and solve complex problems, communicate effectively, work collaboratively, learn how to learn, develop academic mindsets.
The objectives of students who are driven first and foremost by a desire for self-improvement and knowledge acquisition. They are also referred to as mastery goals.
Educational methods and curriculum, generally at the primary level, that group children of different ages within the same class. These are also referred to as cross-age grouping programs.
A grouping method in which students placed in classes of varying abilities are assigned to reading or math classes based on their performance levels in each subject.
A problem-solving technique in which the learner identifies the goal (ends), the present situation, and the method through which to attain the goal (means) to decrease the perceived gap between the ends and the means.
A learning method in which students begin by solving complex problems and then, with teacher guidance, discover the necessary basic skills for completing such tasks.